
Instalar el servidor de Windows Xampp de Redmine
Instalar el servidor de Windows Xampp de Redmine

instalar el servidor de Windows Xampp de Redmine

You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") If you have an issue related to one of our containers, please go to its specific repository in our GitHub organization and report an issue there. If you have an issue related to one of our charts, please go to the repository and report an issue there. Abra su navegador e introduzca la dirección IP de su servidor Tomcat más :8080.

instalar el servidor de Windows Xampp de Redmine instalar el servidor de Windows Xampp de Redmine

Seleccione la opción para iniciar el servicio Tomcat y haga clic en el botón Finalizar. You can have important information about a Cloud provider: Haga clic en el botón Instalar y espere a que finalice la instalación de Tomcat. When you have a webserver running you probably would like redmine through that server aswell to keep things easier, reducing port forwarding requirements and the number of addresses you hand out. There is an updated documentation at where you can find tutorials and FAQs. If the documentation didn't help you, we strongly suggest you to check the resolved issues and the on going ones before addressing an issue. Popular applications, provided by Bitnami, ready to launch on:īefore continuing, please review our useful guides about how to configure and use your application in our documentation

Instalar el servidor de Windows Xampp de Redmine